Dream With
Your Eyes Open

Immersive VR World

Global VR Trend
VAR LIVE operates 17 VR experience museums and VR arcades in over 12 cities around the world, more than 1 million visitors have explored our VR world.
All our games are designed and developed exclusively by VAR with our advanced technology to minimize player’s motion sickness caused by VR gameplay. By integrating VR games and experiential elements like physical decorations, imitation guns, vibrating floor and wind special effect, VAR is committed to building a perfect virtual world and providing the best VR experience to players.

VAR LIVE redefines the depth of virtual experience!
We have expanded “Virtual Reality Entertainment” across the globe in past few years! We will continue to take an active part in pushing the VR industry forward with better VR games and VR equipment. At VAR, we uphold the spirit of combining auditory, visual, and kinesthetic 4DVR elements to let players truly immerse into the borderless virtual world.
Worldwide Locations

Hong Kong